Getting used to the Netherlands will be easier with these tips and information about:
Do you live or are you coming to The Netherlands soon?
Then this is the right place for you.
We know how difficult it can be to get used to a new country and the culture that comes with it. This website gives you lots of information to adapt to your new life in the Netherlands a bit easier. Every week I add further information about trips you can make, about Dutch culture, I share typical Dutch dishes and give information about daily things.
If you want to know more about something, please let me know. I would like to hear what you run into and what I could help with.

Hi, I'm Angelique
My mission is to help you get used to your new country a little easier.
I know from experience that moving to a new country and getting used to the culture can be a real challenge.
In recent years, I have been an expat in Taiwan with my husband and two teenagers. Those first months in a new country are a real challenge and demand a lot from the whole family.
We returned to the Netherlands in August 2021 and met many new expat families here. I regularly get the same questions about life in the Netherlands as I had during our time abroad. To find out everything by ourselves takes lots of time and energy and we would love to put that into other things, wouldn’t we? That’s why I’m going to answer all your questions.
I have experienced that all the help you can get in your new country will help you adjust to your new life easier. The Netherlands is our home country, and we have the experience as expats. So that’s a win-win.
I’m going to share as much information as I can , and if there’s anything you’d like to hear more about, please let me know. There’s always room for good ideas.
I am a graphic designer by profession, which you will also see on this website in the form of products that I offer to make your life that little bit easier. Take a look at the printable calendar, which is free and ideal for planning all your trips and appointments. Another great product is a Valentine card that you can personalize. And there is more like this coming.
I love to travel and have experienced that you build a special bond if you do many things together as a family. Discovering new places and going out together has really become a priority in our family. I even prioritize days for outings on our calendar. You will also find more information on this website about trips and unique places in the Netherlands. And do you already have our complete list of places to visit in the Netherlands? If not click the button below.
Good luck with everything in your life as expats in the Netherlands. I hope to see you here regularly. I will be adding a lot of valuable content in the coming months to help you as much as possible.
With love,